Nikolas, a charismatic high school teacher sees his life fall apart violently and unexpectedly. During an intense crisis in his marriage, Nicholas becomes romantically involved, for one night, with the mother of one of his students who exhibits behavioral problems. A few days later, his wife is murdered during an armed robbery in their own home and his daughter is transferred to the intensive care unit in critical condition....
A young wood-curving artist (Nicol Pomanou) is returning to her hometown for the memorial of her father's death.Her youngest sister is missing.A few kilometers away, a police detective (Despina Loukidi) is investigating the murder of a woman. The eyes of the body are missing....
A couple, after several years of living together, four children, a job, obligations and all the big and small things that everyday life has, decides to go to a marriage psychologist-counselor....
Lola was the Greek remake of the successful Argentine comedy franchise Lalola. The series premiered on September 22, 2008 in Greece on ANT1 and ran Monday through Friday. The last episode was released on July 7, 2009....