Malgudi Days is an Indian television series based on the works of R.K. Narayan. The series was directed by Kannada actor and director, Shankar Nag and Carnatic musician L. Vaidyanathan composed the score. R. K Narayan's brother and acclaimed cartoonist R. K. Laxman was the sketch artist. The series was made in 1986 by film producer T. S. Narasimhan with Anant Nag as the lead actor. Thirty-nine episodes of Malgudi Days were telecast on Doordarshan over three seasons, starting in 1986. The first...
Margayya, a smart moneylender, works as an advisor for the innocent villagers. However, his life takes a drastic turn when he loses his job....
An egotistical music teacher envious of the extraordinary talent of his prodigious young disciple....
"Cyanide" is about the incidents that occurred in the peripheries of Bangalore after the assassins of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi stepped into the city. The story revolves around a helpless couple who fall into the clutches of the gang and are taken hostage....
Two brave and smart young men: namely Police inspector Prabhat Singh (Sunny Deol) and a reformed criminal Akash Bhardwaj (Chunkey Pandey) is sent to the African country of Kenya in order to apprehend the underworld criminal Azghar Jhorat (Amrish Puri). He is a criminal in India but his whereabouts is known in Kenya. While in Kenya they reaches up with a stern Kenyan police officer who is of Indian origin Surya Pratap Singh (Naseeruddin Shah), it is his duty to make Prabhat and Akash abide by the...
To settle old scores with a police commissioner, Jagannath, a gangster hires a thug, Ranadheera, to abduct his daughter, Radha. However, trouble ensues when Ranadheera falls in love with Radha....
A young boy's father is lynched before his eyes; fifteen years later he returns home for revenge....
Mysore facilitates the marriage between two lovers, Kallesh and Jaya. When differences between them threaten their relationship, he has to intervene yet again and bring them to their senses....
Parameshi, a simpleton, is happily married to Ramamani and has a son, Paapu. However, his life turns upside down when he accepts a bet from his office peon and goes out with another woman....