St. Girls Square Academy, or Garugaku for short, is a school that raises girls who dream of becoming professional star performers. This school is only open to those who have passed the auditions that have been held around the country. Students who attend here dream of standing on the “Girls Arena”, the gateway to becoming professional performers. However, only one team can stand on that stage...
Kokomi, Saki, and Yotsuba are three middle schoolers and friends who lead different lifestyles. One day, they meet Kumachi, a talking teddy bear who was sent by his master named Phandy to search for the "Gyaku Jewels", a human heart source treasure that can grant wishes. Kumachi later chooses them to become Phantomirage, a Robin Hood styled phantom thieves of justice in order to fight against Reverse Police, a group of bad cops who always arrest good people by turning them into their dark selves...
They'll take back your uncool heart to protect peace! One day cool director Piyoshi Kurosawa offers Phantomirage a sparkling big role! That's right, if this is the case, let's make everyone's heart flutter through the movie! However, Reverse Police's SakaSama found him! The director who is busy with the shoot is turned into an Ikenaier! With that, the movie will no longer be cool!...
Movie version of the series "Police x Heroine Lovepatrina!"....