Dream of the Red Chamber, first released in 1987, was a television series produced by CCTV, adapted from the classic 18th century Chinese novel of the same name. It gained enormous popularity for its music, cast, and plot adaptation, being regarded by many within China as being a near-definitive adaptation of the story....
Liao Sha is an elite in the sales industry, who is known for her ability to strive amidst difficult circumstances. Her husband Fang Cheng, on the other hand, is an ordinary IT employee despite many years of work experience. However, an incident caused Liao Sha to lose the opportunity to promote, and she was switched to another department. Fang Cheng decides to work hard to support his wife. This causes the balance of the family to suddenly change but provides an opportunity for the couple to hav...
Dream of the Red Chamber, first released in 1987, was a television series produced by CCTV, adapted from the classic 18th century Chinese novel of the same name. It gained enormous popularity for its music, cast, and plot adaptation, being regarded by many within China as being a near-definitive adaptation of the story....
This film focuses on three important characters from the famous Chinese classic novel "The water Margin "-The three brothers, Ruan Xiaowu, Ruan Xiaoer Ruan Xiaoqi were brothers of the original Northern Song Dynasty Shandong Prefecture of Jeju Shijie village of fishermen, all blessed with outstanding courage and martial art skills, The three brothers helped fight the oppression by the evil Minister Kao Chu and robbed his wealthy cohorts and donated their plundering’s to the cause being fought ...