Follow the crew of Neebs Gaming and witness their victories, epic fails, absurd and hilarious commentary on their many adventures through Ark: Survival evolved!...
In the magical territory of Nudonia (a land of many kingdoms) resides a small band of warriors called Doraleous and Associates who challenge the forces of evil. Outnumbered and out-weaponed the small group of heroes seek the legendary Zephyr blade (guarded by the Lady of the Lake) to face the immortal Titanus and the Nanadoo Army. Together, Doraleous and his noble warriors, Neebs, Drak, Mirdon, Broof and Sir Walken take on the most dangerous feats and support those who cannot defeat dark forces ...
Adventures and misadventures, ups and downs of three friends and a "noob" playing the popular video game Battlefield....
Insecure and unhinged, Garrett is dead set on murdering the unrequited love of his life, Mia. When he comes face to face with his victim, his awkward incompetence takes over and things quickly spiral out of control as he finds himself on a deranged path to becoming a serial killer....