Huo Xingchen, the daughter of the chief of the renowned Wuyue Sect, takes a decisive step into the martial world to defy the fate imposed upon her and to resist an unwanted arranged marriage. Along her journey, she crosses paths with Jiang Buting, an investigator delving into the case of a missing martial artist. Through a series of fateful encounters, they join forces and embark on a shared adventure. Along the way, they befriend numerous martial artists, uncover the truth behind the appearance...
Duan Yucheng is a high-spirited young man who loves high jump but is limited by his height, met his talent scout, the experienced athletics assistant Luo Na. In order to get more professional guidance and help, Duan Yucheng made every effort to enroll at the university where Luo Na coaches, and became a member of Luo Na's team, started to pursue his dream of high jumping. Pursuing dream is a very cruel thing, you have to experience injuries, failures, and loneliness that none can understand. But...
A story that details the the lives of ordinary civilians amidst the magnanimous changes in Chinese society over the years. At the end of the 1970s, the Zhou family lived in a provincial city in the north. The father, Zhu Zhi Gang, has just participated in the Third Front Movement in Xi Nan. The eldest son, Zhou Bing Yi, responds to a national call to become part of the first batch of "educated" youths sent to live and work in rural areas. The eldest daughter, Zhou Rong, follows her poet husband ...
On Planet K, unknown to anyone on Earth, three teenagers chosen by fate can travel back and forth twenty years into the future by sneezing. In the face of a shocking plot to destroy the world, they have nothing but crystal-clear stupidity and single-digit combat power, so how can they transform into heroes and fight against the super-villainous villains who are intent on destroying the world? The "King Bomb" brothers, who look like grown-ups but have minds like no other, will save the future on ...
When the Sun begins to expand in such a way that it will inevitably engulf and destroy the Earth in a hundred years, united mankind finds a way to avoid extinction by propelling the planet out of the Solar System using gigantic engines, moving it to a new home located four light years away, an epic journey that will last thousands of years....