This medical drama tells the story of a group of neurosurgeons with different personalities, facing patients with various intractable diseases and complicated operations, conscientiously saving lives in their respective positions. The two deputy chief physicians of neurosurgery, one is a "Lone Ranger" and the other is a "Surgery Frenzy". The two have different styles, but they will not have a better life with anyone. "Lone Ranger" Fan Xun (nickname Gu Xiong), the first quick knife in neurosurge...
Yang Yi Shan, a boy who grew up in Shanghai, escaped from his aunt in pursuit of freedom and went to school in the northeast far away from Shanghai. For a while, it was difficult to adapt to life in the northeast, with the help of warm northeast girl, Zhao Dou Dou and her friends, he finally got adjusted to the strange place....
The Zhuang, Lin, and Wu families live in a small alley in Suzhou during the late 1970s. As societal changes unfold, the parents and children in each household experience dramatic shifts in their fates, forever altering their lives and relationships....
Tomb-Keeper of the Yellow River...
The legend of the "Five Poisons Trial" in the martial world is a life-and-death game where only one person can survive to claim a reward of a thousand taels of gold. The mysterious wanderer Lin Yun teams up with Qiao Yu, Feng Yiyang, and others to face various challenges and adversaries, engaging in fierce battles along the way. The trial reveals the dark sides of human nature—greed, anger, obsession, arrogance, and suspicion. Amidst the chaos, Lin Yun and Qiao Yu devise a clever plan to confron...
Two starving kids find a dead body in the ruins during the apocalypse....