The series tells the story of the childhood sweethearts Cheng Yi and Ling Zi Ming and their vindictive friends Lu Xiang Lin and Yue Yu Zhi. Ling Zi Ming and Cheng Yi are two childhood friends, who come from two incomplete families. Zi Ming has been living together with his second eldest maternal aunt since his childhood, while Cheng Yi has been brought up by his grandma. Because of the similar family background, the two boys supported each other emotionally. But as they entered puberty, their ps...
After a troubled childhood, Dou Zhao retreats to a village, where she meets Song Mo, a merchant with a hidden past. To navigate family schemes and personal challenges, they form an alliance, growing from reluctant partners to trusted allies as they strive to protect what matters most....
Yang Jinghua, a young heir to a family of exorcists, is left struggling alone after his parents’ deaths. Barely surviving, he encounters the wealthy and skilled exorcist Duanmu Xi while trying to fend off a spirit. After a fatal accident, Yang awakens to find himself in a contract with Duanmu Xi, marking the start of his new life....
Excellent in his conduct and academic achievement Yun Yize and wild, unruly and mediocre student Ding Chen dislike each other, but because of an accident Yize finds out that Ding Chen's secret identity is actually Ding Chen illustrating the funny anecdotes on youth of life on campus....