This story revolves around the cold and icy "male god" professor Zhang Sinian and the calm and sunny Yun Shu. After a fractious first meeting, where Yun Shu dressed down the especially finicky Sinian, she was shocked to find out that he was her university lecturer. Through a series of coincidental encounters, the two agreed to engage in a contractual marriage. As the feelings between them grow, how will they keep their relationship from those around them?...
Qiao Wei and the women around her unravel dark secrets, take revenge, and reveal the treacherous nature of manipulation and the complexities of trust....
It’s 1994 and Lu Tu (Ethan Juan) is the youngest concierge ever at five-star Chinese hotel; smart, loyal and honest, he’s respected by his fellow employees and lauded by his superiors. When he’s tempted with an invitation to run a new hotel in the Big Apple, everyone around him looks to take advantage of the move, including a love interest (Du Juan) who may not be as trustworthy as she seems....