The series tells the story of cute and smart girl Shi Xia (Wu Qianying), who accidentally came into the unfamiliar mythical world to find her disappeared brother. Her daily life with the Demon Shi Dong (Dai Yunfan), a loving brother, and the Lord Hou Chi of Yuhua School (Zhao Yingbo) is funny and heartwarming. A hilarious story of two brothers “protecting” their little sister starts....
Su Yu, a high school student who lives a simple life with his father, faces a major change when his mother remarries a wealthy man, introducing him to his step-brother Wu Bi. Despite their initial differences-Wu Bi being a cold and arrogant top student, while Su Yu is an unreasonable underachiever-their relationship takes an unexpected turn after an accident. As they gradually warm up to each other, their bond grows stronger. However, when a heated fight arises, their true identities are reveale...
Focuses on three different families in Beijing and their development as they witness China going from feudalistic to democracy. Familial affections and love, family and the country, they're all interrelated as men and women develop, whether for love or for friendship....
In the tech world of 2029, rivals Ye Tian, president of Azure Group, and augmented reality expert Bai Wei find themselves unexpectedly united when Ye Tian falls into a coma after an accident. As his company releases his groundbreaking creation, the "Pangu" system, Bai Wei enters this immersive fantasy realm, only to discover Ye Tian’s consciousness trapped within. Realizing the urgency of his situation, she sets aside their rivalry to help him return to the real world. However, the task proves c...
In the first year of the Tianqi reign of the Ming Dynasty, Nurhaci, the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, led the Eight Banners Army and took advantage of the change of imperial power and the slack of military preparations in the Ming Dynasty to capture important towns outside the Great Wall one after another. When the Liaodong border was in danger, Yuan Chonghuan rode out of the border alone to inspect the situation and later served in Liaodong....