Skavlan is a Norwegian-Swedish television talk show hosted by Norwegian journalist Fredrik Skavlan. It premiered in Sweden on Sveriges Television in January 2009, and the first guests to appear on the show were former Prime Minister of Sweden Göran Persson and his wife Anitra Steen. On 8 May 2009, it was announced that Skavlan had been renewed for a second season. It was also announced that the show would no longer only be produced by SVT in Sweden; Skavlan would now be partly produced in Norway...
På spåret is a popular Swedish TV game show broadcast on SVT since September 5, 1987. The show, which is intended to be humorous yet educational, has remained one of the most popular TV shows in Sweden, attracting an average of 2,150,000 viewers during the 2007 season. The all-time record was set in March 1990, when 3.7 million people tuned in to see the show. This means that nearly every second Swede saw the game show. På spåret is an original format developed by Ingvar Oldsberg for SVT, and h...
Can one person beat all of Sweden? Live quiz with spectacular experiments. Everyone can compete live via the DUO app and the whole of Sweden competes as a team. Who will win - the lone contestant in the studio or team Sweden?...
When Börje Salming becomes ill with ALS, Bianca Salming’s life is turned upside down. Suddenly, a strong, safe and supportive father is not by her side when she invests in becoming the best in the world in athletics. Bianca decides to get to know the greatness and driving forces of her father, the hockey legend. She wants to understand and take with her what made Börje Salming the best in the world, one of Sweden’s most beloved sports personalities and a beloved husband, brother and father. The ...
It was a family secret, hidden for decades - until now. With the help of commercial DNA bases, SVT's US correspondent Carina Bergfeldt sets out in search of her secret half-brother, who according to a rumour exists. The hunt came to affect her whole life....
Ten years ago, Carina Bergfeldt covered the terrorist attack in Norway, and as one of the first reporters on-site, she gained a unique insight into the aftermath of the tragedy. For two days she lived with survivors and parents who were looking for their missing children in the hotel that was turned into a crisis centre. Now she has returned to see what happened with the families and with Norway....
The classic trio in the Bamse universe; Bamse, Lille Skutt och Skalman, is going on a thrilling adventure to the centre of the earth. Their mission is to save the explorer Beanka, who has mysteriously disappeared and seems to be a longlost friend of Skalmans. They do not realize that they have a follower though; a smug cat named Kattja. She is determined to get to their destination - what she believes is a treasure - first. Their expedition include being chased by wolves, spending a night at a s...