Pinjra is a Pakistani drama television series directed by Najaf Bilgrami, written by late-Pakistani screenwriter Asma Nabeel. The series is produced by Shazia Wajahat under banner Showcase Productions. It is set to premier on 6 October 2022 on ARY Digital with double episodes every week....
Khushi's parents decide to marry her off -for a large sum of money- to a wealthy man as his second wife, just so that she can produce the family heir. The deal is that the marriage will only be for a year, after which Khushi will be sent back to her parents....
The story revolves around a girl belonging to a lower-middle-class family and, studying in college she is often looked down upon her parents which concentrate on the education of their son who they wish to become a doctor....
A man is abducted and held hostage in his car by 3 members of a dangerous gang, led by a vicious psychopath. But what appears to be a straight-forward kidnapping turns out to be an intricate tale of deception, vengeance and retribution. Each progressive scene during the kidnapping is linked with impactful scenes from the past, producing a cohesive non-linear story that ends with a series of mind-boggling, yet ultimately satisfying, twists....
An adventurous doctor meets a handsome Chinese backpacker while travelling with friends on a journey of self-discovery....