Der Kriminalist is a German television series produced by Monaco Film Hamburg, subsidiary of Odeon Film. Directors during the first season were Sherry Hormann and Torsten C. Fischer, during the second: Thomas Jahn, Jobst Oetzmann and Torsten C. Fischer....
Mały Zgon may seem like a quiet town - but just below the surface lies a twisted web of crooked cops, drug kingpins and high-stakes poker games....
Polish film and music icon Kalina Jedrusik, a scandalous free-spirited sex symbol, fights for her independence in the prude society of the 1960s....
Months after disappearance, the mother of a missing daughter begins her own increasingly irrational investigation....
In a seemingly idyllic setting in the forest, surrounded by the stillness and tranquility of nature, an elderly woman, forages for mushrooms and berries. But all this is suddenly disrupted by a surprising encounter....
Alicja suffers from memory loss and has rebuilt her own free spirited way of life. Two years later, she returns to her former family to assume against her will her role as wife, mother and daughter....
An eclectic mix of students wake up on a cold bus, knowing only they are about to start an internship at a remote hotel. They understood it would be difficult, but little did they know just how hard it would be....
Metaphysical thriller, which takes place in a retro-futuristic world. His characters get caught up in an intricate, dark intrigue in which nothing is as it seems, and a series of dramatic events leads to a completely surprising final....