Irie plays Hiiragi Haru, a third-year high school student with no real interest in women or higher education, instead choosing to live his life idly. When he notices a first-year student named Harukawa Koto being bullied, he lends her a hand, and the two form a “goldfish club” just for themselves. While love begins to bloom between them, the bullying against Koto continues to escalate. --- Tokyograph...
This is a youthful romantic comedy about a love-struck girl, who enters an all-boys school in pursuit of the guy she loves....
Rin is a popular singer. He is about to propose to his girlfriend Mami, but they get into an argument. Rin runs out of the home and, while walking around, he suddenly goes down in the middle of a crosswalk. Takehito is the vocalist of unpopular indie band "Even" and he happens to see Rin on his hands and knees at the crosswalk. Rin tries to help him get up, but they are involved in a car accident. When Rin wakes up at the hospital, he sees himself laying in the hospital bed unconscious. He real...
Yōtarō Misaki finds himself lying on the beach one day. He is picked up by Arashi, who manages a restaurant called Kurage no Shokudō. When asked who he is, the protagonist tells a lie that he lost his memory — but he remembers everything, including the fact that his twin brother died....
live-action adaptation...
Abducted teen Moe Koike is thrust into the Werewolf Game, where a role playing fight to the death plays out with nine other unfortunate souls....
Karen is an ordinary high school student in Tokyo, but she sometimes recalls pieces of her childhood memories that she did not know before. During the process of getting her passport for a school trip, Karen views her family register. She learns that she had an older sister Yukari, who died at the age of 4. Karen also learns that her parents are not her biological parents and that she was adopted. Karen now wants to learn about herself. She lies to her parents and tells them that she is leaving ...