Kuttsukiboshi centers around two girls' "risky" summer vacation together. Kiiko is your normal girl, besides her secret of being able to move objects with her mind. When a new student named Aaya moves in, Kiiko starts to develop feelings toward her. The two will eventually then start their romantic relationship. Although everything seems fine, Kiiko does not know that Aaya has another secret, a secret that could ruin Kiiko's feelings and trust for Aaya....
To Kiiko Kawakami, there was nothing in the world as important to her as Aaya Saitou. Something about her allured Kiiko to the extent that there was no sound sweeter to her ears than Aaya's voice and no sight more beautiful than her hair softly billowing in the wind. It was for that reason she let Aaya in on her secret: last year, she had gained psychic powers from an accident that changed her life....