La que se avecina is a Spanish television comedy created by Alberto Caballero, Laura Caballero and Daniel Deorador. The TV-series focusing around the inhabitants of Mirador de Montepinar, a fictional building located on the outskirts of a big city. Both its storylines and cast are heavily based on Aquí no hay quien viva, which ended when Telecinco bought Miramón Mendi, the series production company. The episodes debuted on the Telecinco network, and were later rerun by the same network as well ...
Dolores Lolita runs the Cabaret, a theater located in a central street of Madrid. In these times of economic crisis, the artists living in the annex to the local hotel expecting an investor to help them raise the curtain again....
Zapeando is a live chat where its host and its collaborators talk about the most highlighted moments of the television, as well as the spaces more and less loved by viewers, the best videos and video edits, the mistakes of other hosts, remembering old people who had success on television or the most talked-about commercials. In addition, the format supports introducing guests to some programmes that help to chat about some TV moments (called momentazos, big moments) or simply talk about their mo...
A caustic satire of many of the 'types' found in Spanish society....
Andrés, a dowdy Spaniard, goes to Paris on holiday, hoping to meet a pretty French girl. His wishes may come true after meeting Ninette, his landlord's sensual and possessive young daughter....
Three women from three different generations and walks of life find themselves in a very hot, semi-deserted Spanish town. Patricia is a 17 year old roaming Spain in search for a certain man; Sol is 27, a door-to-door salesgirl in dire economic straits who has just been thrown out of her apartment; and Virginia is a middle aged housewife, who after 20 years decides to start a new life. These three spend a very unique 24 hour period together, often acting, as the title suggests, as modern day "wit...
Manolo is an electrician, plumber, bricklayer ... a hard worker. To his friends Manolo strange fate that gives as much money wins. And when asked, he answers laconically Oh, if I told you! What counts is that Manolo has a daughter in one of the inner most expensive schools in Madrid, and that it believes that his father is a senior executive, as any parent of her companions. The problem begins when the school closed by economic crisis, and the girl has to come live with her father. But Manolo fi...
Félix (Juanjo Puigcorbé), a likeable and careerist flat salesman, wants to be the commercial director of his company at all costs. The bad thing is that this position is deserved by Lola (Cristina Marcos), a young and efficient saleswoman, with whom Félix gets on terribly and who, to make matters worse, is the lover of Emilio (Joaquim de Almeida), their boss....
Amalio and Florencio are two cabaret artists who divorce their wives and stay with custody of their children. An unscrupulous cheat the two rent both of them the same dilapidated house. There will have to live both trying to get ahead as a team of magicians who happens to be a failure. But thanks to the ideas of their children, both parents are a couple of musical comedy that, despite initial failures, is a great success with the participation of the kids. Moreover Amalio and Florencio try to fl...
A New York executive is handcuffed to a precious briefcase to which only his Spanish contact holds the key and of which many others are in hot pursuit....