The story revolves around Vinh, the top performing student and Thu Khoa, the class monitor who is at the bottom of the class....
Mr. Cinderella tells the story of Dung and Khoa. When Dung was a child, he used to be close and liked a little girl, he often called her "his cinderella" but then the girl moved house and Dung lost contact since then. Later, as an adult, Dung became a chef for a small restaurant, but then lost his job and was chased by a gang, and was fortunately saved by Doctor Khoa in a blood-soaked state. At this time, Dung accidentally discovered that Khoa was the "Cinderella" that he liked in his childhood....
Cot is an employee of Ten's house, both have arguments, but despite Ten's strong personality, he ends up arousing feelings for Cot... how will it end?...