The story is about the adventures of an ordinary schoolboy Petya and his friend Wolf, who connects the world of people with the world of fairy tales. Petya helps the magical heroes solve their magical problems that require a non-standard approach....
BabyRiki characters are toys that have come to life in a children's bedroom. They explore and discover their world, making friends and learning new things along the way. Storylines are simple and related to familiar things for this age group, such as eating, activities, playing, sleeping and other daily routines....
Journalist Alexander Vetrov is a sensation hunter. His specialty is mysterious incidents and murders. Each of his materials is the result of an independent investigation. Every now and then Alexander gets involved in dangerous adventures that can cost him his life. But even that doesn't stop the resourceful stringer. Alexander will have to solve the mystery of the return to the Sablinsky caves of the legendary strangler from the distant 50s, find the werewolves terrorizing the city, expose the c...
On a remote island in Southeast Asia, a team of scientists, studying the regenerative properties of the salamander, discovers what their Bangkok headquarters refer to as "The Priceless Gift": an elixir of life. News of the discovery travels quickly, and profiteers begin to circle the island, only to find out just how dangerous a discovery it is. During the research process, they also uncovered an unstoppable disease. When the research team goes missing, it leaves behind a warning: that the disea...
A bogatyr is an epic warrior from ancient Kievan Rus. Most are directed in the traditional bylinas, traditional Russian epic poems, as being endowed with enormous strength and cunning, although often not completely immune to human weaknesses. Here, our three heroes gather together once more to rescue the ruler of the land from the attempts of an evil foreign queen. She plans to make him fall in love with her so her youth and beauty can be renewed, but in exchange will destroy his kingdom....
Managing position at Nastenka Cleaning Service, whose employees are migrant girls from Asia, comes at the Muscovite Kirillov out of the blue. The situation is complicated by the fact that Kirillov is planning to leave for Norway and expecting his bride, a typical European with a rather rigid interpretation of freedom and tolerance, to come visit. The idea that she will learn about the exploitation of "women of the East" terrifies him and makes him prevaricate in order to hide his "harem"......
Fixies tell where books come from and how headphones help to write a dictation. Riki and Tyra hatch their dreams and have a carnivorous flower at home. Smeshariki will learn the secret of strong friendship and teach Pin to fly. And Bodo Borodo will go to conquer high waves and watch cartoons at the animation festival....
The heroine of this story, a young woman, considers herself a believer and tries to live according to the commandments. But an unexpected meeting turns for her into love for a married man, and her feeling does not remain unanswered. However, a man belongs to a culture where the presence of a mistress is not forbidden, and even encouraged, while divorce is extremely negatively perceived. He sees no problem in starting a second family. The heroine will have a harsh choice between her faith and her...