Under the influence of adrenaline and alcohol, two loser friends set out on a hilarious yet tumultuous adventure. Can they survive the weekend?...
Riya and Varun used to live together as a couple and then they broke up. But now, they live together as friends....
Life at Wilkins Chawla, a mediocre paper company is as boring as the humour of its 'Fun'jabi boss. Add to it some ordinary employees, an uncomfortable receptionist, the boss' sycophant, and the mediocrity goes a notch higher!...
Show depicts the two aspects of the society - the power-drunk influential people who think they can get away with anything and the oppressed, subjected to years of torture, who finally decide to bring themselves to justice...
The romantic comedy, unfolds the journey of 27-year-old girl Isha Sanghvi, who in her relentless pursuit of perfection faces a whirlwind of uncertainties that life throws her way and .....
An Anthology series that highlights the stigmas around mental health and mental illness in India. According to the latest World Health Organization report on depression, almost 7.5% of Indians suffer from major or minor mental disorders that require expert intervention. The brainchild of Dr. Neerja Birla, Zindaginama strives towards creating an environment where mental health dialogue is encouraged. It's okay not to be okay. Six different stories from six creators with a common theme - to encour...
Chitrakut revolves around the lives of five people, their journey of change and metamorphosis as they search for love and companionship. When Debu met Alisha the beginning of a great love story blossomed in his head, unknown to him she was in a desperate attempt to get over her past love....
The infinite playground of forbidden worlds and dangerous lifeforms offered by the sci-fi horror genre will lead to the biggest, maddest, bloodiest V/H/S ever....