La Hija Del Jardinero is a Mexican telenovela directed by Luis Alberto Lamata. It aired from August 18, 2003 until April 23, 2004 on TV Azteca in Mexico....
The main theme of the series tells the story about private lives of a group of women who are frequent clients of “Angelica Style”, a prestigious beauty clinic. This group of women, Angelica, Nora, Mercedes, Samantha, Loreto, Vanesa, Lilí, Gabriela, Fernanda and Cecilia, have one thing in common: they have all failed to find the men of their dreams. As the stories blend, their different personalities are shown and their deepest wishes are revealed. They want to find a man who can understand them ...
Como en el Cine is a Mexican telenovela produced by TV Azteca in 2001. Created by Veronica Suarez, it was directed, produced and executive produced by Don Antulio Jimenez Pons. Lorena Rojas and Mauricio Ochmann are the Main Protagonists....