Possessing nothing after repaying her debts, HAN Zhen-zhen moves to her sister’s fancy neighborhood with her husband, ZHUANG Jun-jie, and daughter, ZHUANG Ying-wen, and wishes to start a new life. However, she accidentally gets involved in the neighborhood’s power struggle and the seemingly hopeful future becomes uncertain.Meanwhile, Ying-wen, struggling to cope with the trauma of being bullied in the past, is sexually assaulted soon after moving to the neighborhood. The anguished father Jun-jie...
More than Blue: The Series revolves around the journey of music producer Wang Po Han and his assistant An Yi Qi to find the copyright owner of the mysterious song for their artist, A-Lin. They also came across a diary belonging to K who is the producer of the mysterious song and traveled into the life story of K through the diary. The diary tells the story of K and Cream, two orphans who journey through life and share experiences in sadness and joy together. However, K is diagnosed with fatal l...
The coolest, most self-centered kid in high school meets a quiet kid who is an instant rock star on-stage. Despite their differences in background and beliefs, they are set on the same goal––becoming a head student. Together, they are to sing a song about youth as they engage in a fierce campaign battle. Guang is the most popular kid in school and an idol to his peers. Chang is the successor to his family noodle stand and a guitarist/singer with endless potential. During the campaign, Guang find...
Light-hearted legal drama series “Small & Mighty” featuring Chen Bo-Lin and Puff Kuo, and directed by Xu Fu-xiang. Co-presented with Bilibili and produced by Jason’s Entertainment ....
Gwei Lun-mei-starring drama series “Women in Taipei,” as a spin-off from the “Women in Tokyo” series....
"Deep End" is a psychological crime thriller exploring the world of internet porn in Asia. In this series, "technology" is depicted as a tool that is both liberating and dangerous, filled with limitless information, images and videos that breed all kinds of ideas. The series presents sensory stimulation and outlines how the cybercrime law enforcement stays vigilant in the world of internet pornography....
Nia from the Philippines works as a family maid in Taiwan. She prefers to stay in her private room, where a door separates her from her employers, but this upsets her employers.This is a story about being away from home....
Zhao’s veteran dorm roommate, Feng, passed away. The borough magistrate is taking the ashes back to Feng’s hometown, but Zhao insists on keeping Feng’s ashes for one more day. Zhao drinks on with Feng and reminisces of their past romance with Ah-Feng the prostitute. Zhao decides to take Feng to bid Ah-Feng farewell; thus begins a journey in search for the last consolation of life....
A striving actress is invited to a private, mysterious gourmet club only to discover that her competition has prepared a horrifying banquet which devours her....
The millennium summer was the best days in Ren-jie's life. He met Xiao-ping, walked hand in hand with her through their youth and wrote the opening sentence of his life poem. But a visit by his father in the military changed his life forever. He fell into the uneasy atmosphere of 2006. When he was discharged from the air force, the cruel reality wore away their romantic love. Ren-jie had to leave Xiao-ping. They fell in love under the sun and out of it at sunset. The days tortured them and blurr...
In the near future, Taiwan has been occupied and became the province of an evil empire. Chased by the Regime, Yu escapes prison and meets Lien, a girl that will help her fleeing the country. However, their encounter will puzzle their plans and change their fate....
Hong has stayed in the mainland for years. At the beginning of 2020, he closes up his company and came back to Taiwan, where he meets again his estranged daughter, Xiao-Yue, at his ex-wife’s funeral. Hong doesn’t know where else to go. In perplexity, he hears the hoofbeats. The horse turns back to look at him under the moon......
Xiaowei disappeared, and the divorced couple began to search for their son's whereabouts. With a photo of Xiaowei's injury, they found Wang Hao, the young man who was carrying the secret. Following the clues left by Xiao Wei, we discover step by step the unknown side of Xiao Wei; Xiao Wei still has not come back, but every moment everyone lives, it is as if Xiao Wei has never left....
Grandpa escaped from the nursing home! But when his daughter and grandson go looking for him, they encounter old people who have turned into zombies! How will the guilt-ridden boy face his zombie grandpa when his treacherous journey of zombie escape is intertwined with memories of his grandfather's illness and how they abandoned him?...
After the mysterious disappearance of their baby daughter, a young couple receives strange videos and realizes someone has been filming their daily life — even in their most intimate moments. The police set up surveillance around their home to catch the voyeur but the family starts to crumble as secrets unravel under the scrutiny of eyes watching them from all sides....
What will our lives be like 10 years from now? Five up and coming Taiwanese directors each offer their own take in answering this question. In 2028, Taiwan is suffering from nuclear waste (“The Can of Anido”), migrant workers (“942”), industrial collapse (“Way Home”), low birth rates and diversity in families (“A Making-Of”), and insomnia (“The Sleep”)....
Fang, a young and innocent female dancer, has a pure love for dance. Her experienced and strict female teacher, Xue, who used to capture the spotlight on the dance floor, has an extreme pursuit of performance. The power of obsession, however, has almost driven her crazy. The relationship between master and apprentice becomes entangled with mutual obsessions, causing a great change in both their lives. Will an unexpected failure transform Fang's own obsession into paranoia? Life is an experience ...
The little girl, Laqi, ventured into the forest to search for her parents, only to encounter the demon child Luda. As a result, she entered the forest alongside Luda and embarked on a fantastical journey to find her family. During their exploration, Laqi and Luda encountered numerous hidden creatures in the forest, including the Mountain Sprite, Black Dog Spirit, Oil Hoof Cat, and Earth Ox. They also faced various crises and helped each other, eventually becoming trusted friends. However, deep w...
Her and I depicts an adolescent girl’s quest for love amidst her relationships with her boyfriend, mother and the world that surrounds her....
Aspiring to become a parkour influencer, a gifted young man from an exorcist family gets caught up in a swirl of spooky events at an eerie hotel....
In the future, government legislation dictates all couples must pass the General Parent Test to qualify their parenthood. Successfully passing candidates are entitled to parenting benefits, guaranteed school districts, and substantial bonuses. Two couple are eagerly trying their best to pass the test. Can they both pass GPT with their perfect "plan"?...
A “yes-man” taxi driver tries to take revenge and regain control of his fate. However, it is fate who plays a joke on him instead. On this absurd day, a psychological rollercoaster awaits....
Over the decades, the Malayan Communist Party fought a guerrilla war in the jungle for independence. When a baby was born during the war, they sent it out of the jungle to ensure its survival. Boluomi is one of those babies....
Jia-min, who was born sensitive to the paranormal, tries to summon "Yi-A-Gu" with two streamers. Huo-ge helps Jia-min subdue the spirit when the situation goes out of hand. Huo-ge possesses supernatural powers but lost his will to exorcise demons during a battle with the Thai Demon five years ago. As the wave of suicides continues, the village is thrown into chaos. Another battle is about to begin....
A boy lives with his Grandma and Mr. Lin, the tenant who looks after him and Grandma. But when Grandma passes away, the boy's uncle returns to Taiwan and discovers that ownership of the apartment was transferred to other people....
Hoping to make a viral video by streaming a mysterious rope ritual, a couple falls into a deadly curse instead that turns their lives upside down....
A short film about a 12-year-old girl's dilemma when faced with a choice between friendship and her future....
Hearing-impaired teenager Chang Cheng transfers to a school for children with special needs. However, the world of the hearing-impaired doesn’t seem quiet at all. When Chang witnesses the game taking place in the last row on the school bus, his excitement about blending into a new environment immediately turns into fear....
Yang Shi-Nan is a 14-year-old boy who undergoes a metamorphosis without realising what is going on. It begins on a normal school day when he gets stomach cramps. After rushing to the toilet he notices that his urine is turning bloody red. Taken to a doctor he is diagnosed with “Disorders of Sex Development,” or intersex. Without consulting him, Shi-Nan’s parents decide to accept “sex reassignment surgery”, turning Shi-Nan into a female and changing her name to YANG Shi-Lan. The family moves to a...
16-year-old Allen lives a chaotic and underprivileged life. Defeated by life from the start, Allen finds joy and hope in hurdling, his favourite sport which he often wins in competitions during middle school. A cruel fate awaits him when he enters high school. Because of his height, his performance is suddenly hampered and he cannot even handle the basic 3-step hurdle. His hope of being in the school team is dashed, let alone winning over his teammates. The more desperately he tries, the more he...
After her divorce from her Taiwanese husband, Fu Jung, who has never experienced love, continues to live with him. She attempts to gain independence, explore love, and leave the house, but repeatedly finds herself staying. Is it the comfort of the bed, or the bonds of this unconventional family, that keeps her from leaving?...
A sculptor finishes her final work after receiving a terminal diagnosis. As her body loses strength, the statue seems to take on a life of its own....
Former bomb disposal expert, Song Kang-Ren, and his fiancée, Huang Xin, board a high-speed train that contains a bomb. At the same time, Liu Kai, a well-known physics teacher who was involved in an affair scandal, also boards this same train in order to win back his wife, Ting Juan, who took the prior high-speed rail to return home in frustration… After all, can the bomb be successfully defused this time? and resolve the crisis?...