Azaan, the dynamic young Nawab of Bhopal returns home after a hiatus of five years from London with the love of his life Shayra. However, his mother Begum Raziya eagerly awaits his return to break the news of his nikah with his childhood friend Noor. Set in the royal world of Bhopal, behold Bahu Begum, the tale of three individuals Azaan, Shayra and Noor, who are entangled in a web of love, revenge and penance!...
Saath Nibhaana Saathiya is an Indian television drama series that launched on 3 May 2010. The series is broadcast worldwide on STAR Plus, with older episodes transmitted on STAR Utsav. The series is based on the lives of two female cousins after their respective marriages, focusing on the ongoing drama within the household of the Modi family. The serial, although set in Rajkot, is filmed in Mumbai. Episodes of Saath Nibhaana Saathiya have been recorded on location in Kutch and in Switzerland. T...
Sunny, a talented singer, is wrongly jailed. Rockstar Yuvi meets him in prison and steals his song, changing their destinies....
Six people go through the trauma of their lives as they come onto an abandoned piece of property known as "Plot No. 666." Being a restricted area because it is the site of many people's deaths, the local villagers fear coming to this area....