Los Serrano is a Spanish television drama comedy which premiered on 22 April 2003 and aired on Telecinco. It tells the story of the Serrano family, who lives in Round Santa Justa No 133, located in the fictional neighborhood of Santa Justa, in the Ribera del Manzanares, in Madrid. The success of the series in Spain and in several other countries in Europe and elsewhere helped launch the career of several young actors and actresses, especially actor and musician Fran Perea, who acts in the series...
María, a successful lawyer based in Madrid, is shocked to discover she is adopted. A search for her biological parents soon leads to a web of deceit and betrayal. She uncovers a human trafficking operation, which leads her down a dark path....
Red Eagle is a series of adventure and intrigue on the courage, nobility, friendship and love. The protagonist is an unsung hero of justice of the seventeenth century, known by the nickname of Red Eagle, who helps the weak and who is determined to uncover the conspiracy behind the murder of his young wife....
An autobiographical account that is also the history of Spain during the dark years of the first half of the twentieth century. Spanish writer Arturo Barea (1897-1957) narrates his childhood in Madrid, his harsh experiences in Morocco during the Rif War and his political commitment to the Republican side during the Spanish Civil War....
Un, dos, tres... responda otra vez, often shortened as Un, dos, tres, and named Un, dos, tres... a leer esta vez in the last season, was a Spanish game show created by Narciso Ibáñez Serrador. The show, which ran from 1972 to 2004 spanning ten seasons, became the most famous game show in the history of Spanish television. It also was the first television show exported outside of Spain, with versions aired in the United Kingdom, Portugal, the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium....
A young widowed doctor tries to rebuild his life and take care of his three children and his teenage nephew. In the house also live his father and the cleaning lady, which marks the rhythm of the day to day life of this family. His sister-in-law, who also plays an important role, will end up marrying him. The series also tells the stories of their colleagues at the health center....
Exploring perspectives on witches from different angles, ranging from historical accounts to popular folklore, shedding light on the complex narratives surrounding these notorious figures....
One of Spain's best talent agents in the '90s, Paquita now finds herself searching desperately for new stars after suddenly losing her biggest client....
The story of a group of friends in Madrid....
Elena Hart is a distance runner in her twenties who is immersed in a terrible nightmare, suffering serious imbalances in her diet. Driven by her desire to lose weight and to please her demanding coach, Elena begins to suffer from anorexia....
While three brothers, heirs of a hotel owner, want to restore the glamour of yesteryear to the establishment, a Health Department official tries to find a way to close it down for good....
Daniel is a yuppie that hasn't been been able to lead a satisfactory sentimental life. One day he meets Yolanda, a beautiful young woman who has a daughter, Patricia, and who hasn't been very lucky in life either. They decide to get together and they go to live in his house, an old and eerie mansion. Soon enough, their relationship starts to become difficult; the isolation of the house and Daniel's mysterious past transform Yolanda's illusions of happiness into an existence of fear and distrust....
Mitó lives in a small village and is the son of the local Comunist Party leader, she is 18 years-old and is about to graduate from the high-school she must attend at Beja - the nearest town. News that she killed her German boyfriend, at 4 a.m. on a desert road, do not excite much the editor of a Lisbon newspaper. He sends in a tyro reporter, Joaquim Peixoto, just in case. The young man, already considered hopless in his profession, will uncover more than a sex scandal to be used for political pu...
Meeting of two very different brothers: Carlos is an ambitious young businessman happily married to Julia, Toni is a nerve that life has given him so many sticks as the people who surrounded him....
Julia, an only child of an affluent, bank owning family living in Madrid, escapes from her family to get over her grief that her boyfriend has been imprisoned. Julia is a well educated woman, having studied in Switzerland and England, who wants to become a writer. Julia drives to a little village in Asturias called "Corralbos del Sella" and there she stays in a mansion "llendelabarca" of an old childhood friend "Pilara" she had spent many a happy summer with. Also living there is Pilara's mother...
After experiencing a series of traumatic, seemingly unrelated, accidents, Eva begins to notice that her daughter Luna is behaving in increasingly strange ways....
The terrifying thriller tells the story of Sara (Lydia Bosch, 'Grand Hotel'), a popular novelist who after suffering a serious accident, it is host to a monastery in the north section of Italy in which dwells an ancient brotherhood. A place stuck in the past: without light, water or telephone, where the Benedictine monks, sitting in the dark, cold and silent, strictly follow the laws of Christianity....
A nun teacher that is going to die decides to travel around Spain to meet her 3 favorite students to ask if she learned something from her teaching period....
Based on Miguel Delibes novel. Rafael Corral, socialist member, decide to attend to the funeral of a friend although they had recomended him not to go for politic reasons. He finds there some friends and talking with them makes him to change his mind....
Pedro Jarrapellejos is a ladies man who cannot turn the heads of Isabel or her beautiful daughter. When both peasant women are found raped and murdered in a brutal scene, a schoolteacher is falsely accused. Pedro knows his own nephew and his friend participated in the killings, but he uses his considerable influence over the police and courts to intimidate the witnesses into silence....
Antonio is the principal of a high school in a downtown immigrant neighborhood. His aim is to avoid the school's closing and the scattering of the students. Along with Antonio's ever-increasing help, Judith the new music teacher, takes on the difficult task of obtaining her student's interest in her subject while helping them become active participants in a common project....
This is a Spanish Drama starring Antonio Banderas...
A medieval alchemist (Klaus Kinski), knight (Harvey Keitel) and priest (Fernando Rey) mistake a flying-saucer alien for a dragon....