Anamika is a television series on Sony Entertainment Television India and Sony Entertainment Television Asia which premiered on 26 November 2012 and went off-air on 13 September 2013. It is Vikas Seth's debut show as a producer on Sony Television and is based on a love story with a supernatural touch. It airs in Pakistan on Express Entertainment...
Ek Deewaana Tha follows the story of Sharanya who wakes up from a coma after a period of two years. Her recovery comes at the cost of her suffering from amnesia because of which she is unable to recall her relationship with Vyom, the man she was going to marry. Sharanya and Vyom rediscover their love for each other and decide to get married. However, their marriage faces obstacles at each step. As they battle through these barriers they discover that these are not random acts but the acts of a g...
The show narrates the fresh love story of college students Anant Bajpai, and Navya Mishra....
Arun always wanted to be an actor but could never fulfill his dream, for which the village ridiculed him. Angry about his failure, Arun challenges the entire village that his son, Amit, will fulfill his dream and become a superstar. This dream becomes Amit`s journey....
To celebrate Indu's 75th birthday, the whole gang goes on a foreign trip as chaos ensues between young women and their mother-in-laws....
Pranay doesn't want to get married and Aanvi on the other hand doesn't want to get married too but she cannot tell that to her mother so they both unwillingly say yes to their marriage for their parent's sake. Two strangers get engaged and their journey to find love in each other's heart begins....
Vaalvi is a dark comedy that explores the profound human nature involving selfishness, apathy and self-preservation....
The life of a young happy couple gets turned upside down when they receive a call from an unknown woman claiming to be in danger....