The series tells the story of the family lives of the police officers working in a special team of the Istanbul Police Department's Public Security Department and their adventures on the streets of Istanbul. The team encounters different and diverse human stories during their missions. The Istanbul Police Chief Rıza Soylu (Zafer Ergin), with his years of experience and fatherhood, approaches these stories, which at times make them smile and at other times are heartbreaking, and guides the other ...
Survivor Turkey is the Turkish version of the popular reality Survivor. This version of the show has aired on both Kanal D in 2005, and on Show TV in 2006, 2007, and 2010. From the beginning Survivor was a success in Turkey, however the cost of producing the show proved to be too much for Kanal D and even Show TV couldn't afford to produce the show on a yearly basis. Because of production costs the show was put on hiatus in 2007 and was brought back three years later. The prize for the first sea...
Didem tries everything to get actor Cem to propose to her, but he's got other things on his mind: a beautiful new co-star and a secret bachelor party....
Every living day will come to the beacon of Cevahir. Zekai uses his head to make a watch arrangement that controls the roulette wheel. Cevahir, sitting on the gambling table and losing without more equipment ready. Cevahir and his colleagues fly to Cyprus to save Piril from Cypriot casinos using the watch scheme. Bilal meets them in Cyprus....
After a mother in debt seeks moral support from her three closest friends, she ends up with a ragtag crew ready to rob a bank....
A psychopath gunman breaks in and plants bombs in bigbrother house to change the rules of the game....