The story revolves around Flor (Ana Serradilla), a happy and beautiful woman who knows Valentín (Joaquín Ferreira) a "man's disaster", but even so she likes him as he is, everything was cheerful, fun and lived happy, but due to Valentín's problems, he dies. And in the midst of the loneliness and pain of having lost her husband. Teodoro (Sergio Mur), Ana's friend and who was always in love with her, decides to start conquering her. Everything was fine, "normal, calm and a little boring" as a marr...
La Gata is an upcoming Mexican telenovela to be produced by Nathalie Lartilleux for Televisa. It is a remake of the Venezuelan telenovela La Gata, produced in 1968 and Mexican telenovela Rosa Salvaje produced in 1987....
Camaleones is a 2009/2010 Mexican telenovela produced by Televisa. The soap opera premiered on Mexico's Canal de las Estrellas, replacing the completed TV series Verano de Amor. Camaleones is produced by Rosy Ocampo, who has produced several popular telenovelas, such as Amor sin Maquillaje, Las Tontas No Van al Cielo and La Fea Mas Bella. Filming took place in Mexico City and Xochitepec in June 2009, and lasted approximately 7 months. The telenovela premiered on Univision in the United States on...
A recently divorced dad loses his job and must take care of his daughter and try to keep in her the illusion of Christmas so he accepts a job as "Santa" in a toy store. The story unfolds full of fun and emotional moments for the enjoyment of the whole family....