The series follows the lives of three brothers as they struggle through the turbulent political period before the war. They become part of the first-generation immigrant entrepreneurial path in Qingdao. The story began in 1904 when the Jinan Railway opened and ends with the outbreak of war in 1937....
Police officer Bao Yu is working undercover as drug dealer Jin Fei's subordinate and is eventually able to work directly under powerful drug lord Tian Jing after befriending his daughter, Tang Guo. However, Bao Yu is not fighting the drug cartel alone - he also has a support network including fellow undercover colleague and romantic interest Guan Xiao Zhi, police chief Fang Qing Long and anti-narcotics team leader Lian Zhong....
Bao Jiawen, who is born and raised in Longshan, works as the business director of Liang's Group, the leading company in Hechuan after graduating from university. At the same time, he is also the fiance of Liang Jiayi, the only daughter of Liang's, and thus he is also the son-in-law of Liang's Group. However, just when Bao Jiawen's career was booming, he and Cai Heqiang, the head of Longshan Village in his hometown, argued with each other, ending up planning something that would revive the rural ...
On a rainy night in the Beidahuang forest area in 1969, the small train brought another group of educated youth from major cities across the country. Yang Bingkui, the stationmaster of Baihualin Railway Station, looked at the young and youthful faces and had a premonition that the arrival of this group of people would bring about earth-shaking changes to Beidahuang....