A Czech medical television series that focuses on an emergency department. Each episode follows cases inspired by real-life stories and the cases of patients and healthcare professionals....
Documentary series dedicated to the history of the conquest of the 14 highest Himalayan peaks by Czech climbers....
The urn supposedly containing the remains of Alice's grandfather falls out of the window and breaks. To Alice's great surprise, the urn is empty and the girl learns that the grandfather didn't die but disappeared under mysterious circumstances on the 2nd September 1946 in the town of Telc. Her grandmother claims that a mysterious young man with dark glasses was implicated in her husband disappearance. Alice is determined to solve the mystery. Grandmother's story leads Alice to a shoemaker who ha...
Hubert Hrabe, known as Smart Boy, is a Prague dandy who is always skirting the edge of the law. Like every likable rogue, he has a worthy adversary - Police Inspector Mourek, who has long been trying in vain to put him behind bars. However, this defender of justice, who is constantly trying to outsmart his "own" criminal, ends up becoming the victim of his own zeal while hunting forgers that are as good as any in Europe, as Hubert the Smart Boy, sets a trap for Mourek...