Shahi Majra is the story of Agam, a small-town village girl who moves to Chandigarh for her education but falls prey to the appealing yet dangerous city lifestyle. Will she survive?...
In Cole Town, Aira Rajkishore, trapped by duty to her ailing mother, faces the return of Marcus, who seeks to rekindle their past romance. Amidst mysterious deaths in town, they must navigate danger and protect loved ones. As they confront the town's dark secrets, can they save their love, or will Cole Town's mysteries tear them apart? Aira and Marcus's fate hangs in the balance....
A pair of best friends compete with one another over their feelings for a pair of women....
After leaving his dark past behind, Sikander starts afresh in a distant village, where he is welcomed by a loving family as one of their own. However, when the only son of the family gets mixed with the wrong crowd and finds his life in danger, Sikander is left with no choice but to return to his old ways in order to save the youngster....
Deep returns to India to get married and meets his friend Guri. Guri reveals to Deep the truth about their friend Tinka, who separated from them three years ago. Will the three friends reunite?...