Popstars was a Brazilian reality television series based on the Popstars international series. In Brazil, Popstars was produced by RGB and broadcast on the Brazilian Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão channel. Two series was broadcast for two seasons in 2002 and 2003, after which it was discontinued. Popstars was a prime time program introduced on SBT to counter very successful reality television programs introduced by Rede Globo television chain via their series Casa dos Artistas and No Limite. T...
The life and career of Brazilian singer Chorão, Charlie Brown Jr's frontman. The story of one of the most important rock stars in Brazil, from testimonies about his personal and professional life and archival footage. Beginning in the early 1990s, when his band released their first album and hit the radio stations, Chorão lived two intense decades of national and international success, full of controversial moments, until his premature death in 2013....
The trajectory of the five irreverent boys who conquered Brazil with hits like Pelados em Santos and Vira-Vira was the theme of this special....
In less than ten months, the music band Mamonas Assassinas went from being completely unknown to becoming one of the biggest phenomena in Brazilian music. Irreverent, intelligent, sarcastic and creative, the band took over Brazil and sold two million albums in just six months. Never-before-seen footage and interviews from family, friends, producers, and musicians tell the band’s story, their challenges, their rise to fame, and the tragic aeroplane accident that killed all its members in 1996....