The Voice of the Philippines is a Filipino reality television singing competition on ABS-CBN. It is based on the reality singing competition The Voice of Holland, which was originally created by Dutch television producer John de Mol as part of The Voice franchise. The show is hosted by Toni Gonzaga. She is accompanied by Robi Domingo, and her sister Alex Gonzaga who serve as the show's V-Reporters or the social media correspondents. Sarah Geronimo, Bamboo Mañalac, Lea Salonga, and serv...
The biggest singing-reality show in the country and in the whole world is back! A first in Asia, The Voice Teens, aims to find the freshest young breed of teen artists ages 13 to 17 years old....
A Philippine reality singing television competition, which feature young aspiring singers aged 6–12....
Two of the biggest names in OPM, Sarah G and Bamboo rock the stage with 2023's biggest concert collab. AshBoo ignite the stage singing their hottest hits in this once in a lifetime musical experience not to be missed....