The show stars Mehran Modiri, as Shir Farhad, the son of Lower Barare's khan, or leader. He lives with his sister, Saharnaz; mother, Shadone; and father, Salar Khan. The show begins when a journalist, Kiyanush, from Tehran is arrested for writing an article criticizing the government, escapes capture, and then is bitten by a snake. Shir Farhad finds him collapsed and brings him to the village of Barare, nurtures him to health, and gradually introduces him to the town and the other characters in ...
The story centers around Bijan Jamali (Mehran Modiri), his cousin Mahmoud (Siamak Ansari), and his brother-in-law Morad (Javad Razavian). Morad is a smooth-talking con artist who is constantly getting himself and the others into jail. Bijan works at a pizza place where his boss Mr. Sa'adati (Saeid Pirdoost) is trying to get him to marry his daughter Mahnaz. When Bijan wins a brand new Mercedes Benz in a sweepstakes at his bank, it seems like all of their problems are over, but that all changes w...
The young Naser'eddin Shah recently ordered the assassination of his beloved Prime Minister Amir Kabir, and the court, the shrine, the government, and the country underwent significant changes. At the same time and in the village of Kuhsar Tajrish, Khadijeh, the daughter of Mohammad Ali Najjar, hid the joyful love of a young man named Siavash in her chest....
On the ground, Nasser, a down-on-his-luck petty criminal and perpetually losing bettor, is about to make the last and biggest gamble of his life. Until then, he must hide himself from the enemies who thirst for his blood... On Mars, Luna, the Earth-Mars lady and real estate consultant of the Martian residence, is busy with work and family life problems. He is waiting for a mysterious package that is going to reach him from the ground......
Mansour and Shokouh are a mid-aged couple who own a 4 units apartment and live with their two daughters in it. After a while a Afghan worker named Shanbe comes there and makes some interacts with one of grooms of the family....
It tells the story of a young boy and girl who work in an airline agency and plan to marry each other. In the meantime, their families set a condition for this union...
Zary comes to Tehran to help her family. However, premarital conditions have made stories for them....
The film "Papoosh" is the story of a lucky couple who face strange problems. Kamal, the company's marketer, is going to marry Ms. Manshi soon, but it turns out that the products of Mr. Zamani's company are fake, and they will be in a lot of trouble....