Tells the story of a college student named Eun Ha, who one day receives an anonymous love letter through a supernatural portal - the white hole!...
A South Korean radio show created by MBC Radio specially for idols....
“X1 FLASH” will follow the members as they prepare for their debut, and will also give a glimpse into their real lives and honest emotions....
Find out all about your favorite K-pop idol groups! Hosted by the “idol experts”, Jeong Hyeong-don and Defconn!...
A talent search event that produced a boy band in 2019 through the Mnet television channel. This is the 4th season of the Produce 101 franchise. Viewers (referred to as 'national producers') voted online for 11 members from 101 participants from various entertainment companies and individual participants in several elimination rounds. The group concept, group name and debut song are also determined by the audience....