Comedy Nights with Kapil is a comedy show which provides a distinctive take on the everyday life of a common man as the show explores the story of every household and how our common man Kapil is affected by the simplest issues in life around him....
The show explores the worlds of its protagonists, Priya and Ram Kapoor, who accidentally discover love after getting married....
A talk show hosted by Rajeev Khandelwal....
Kapil Sharma is back with a new 'Salah Center' (Consultancy Business) in a Mohollah with absurd characters. The wealthy milkman Bachcha Yadav (Kiku Sharda) with his wife Titli Yadav (Bharti Singh) and sister-in-law, Bhoori (Sumona Singh) have rented out houses within the Mohollah and Bhoori is Kapil Sharma's business partner. The neighbors in the Mohollah are also full of quirks and don't shy away from the antics. With celebrities gracing every episode, The Kapil Sharma Show promises fun-filled ...
Aakhari Decision is a Bollywood action film directed by Deepak Bandhu and starring Anant Jog, Nagesh Bhonsle, Mushtaq Khan, Navni Parihar, Amar Sidhu, and Sumona Chakravarti. It was filmed in India and the United States....
The heartwarming tale of Barfi, a charming deaf-mute young man from 1970s Darjeeling, and two unalike women who can't help but fall for him....
An adrenaline junkie walks away from a whirlwind romance and embraces a new life as a thief, though he soon finds himself pursued by veteran police officer and engaged in a turf war with a local gangster....
The paths of a man and a woman, who have both been recently divorced from their spouses, intersect at an art exhibition in London....
A young woman falls in love with a handsome playboy, while aboard a Singapore to India cruise. They make plans to meet again, but fate may have other plans......