A story that follows five urban women with distinct personalities and how they find themselves after experiencing various challenges in life. Dai Xi Xi has always regarded falling in love, getting married and having kids as her primary goal. Alas, she never imagined that she would be dumped right before her wedding day. With nowhere to go, Dai Xi Xi goes to live with Ding Hui Qiao as she attempts to restart her life. However, she faces another hurdle when she makes an enemy out of Wen Ru Xue wh...
Lin Tuo and An Zhi Que met at a job fair during the summer internship of their junior year. They fell in love at first sight, and after deepening their understanding of each other, they determined their relationship. As graduation season approaches, the two join hands as they went through university to working life together and plan for a better future. Although the road of life was not going smoothly, but with their mutual encouragement, it gradually got on the right track....
After graduating from Beijing, Li Mujia, a girl Beijing drifter, entered the most well-known law firm and worked hard to become a leading lawyer from an administrative assistant. Mujia met the market elite Li Guang, and their relationship had undergone several twists and turned as they grow rapidly. Mujia's best friend Tian Rong failed to apply for a job after graduation and accidentally became a real estate agent. She hastily married a Beijing boy named Li Wanbing, which put her career and rela...
After a birthday banquet, a sudden car accident deals devastating blows to the families of Xiuli and Xiufang. The younger sister Xiuli's second son, Ruoxuan, a high school student with excellent character and grades, loses his young life in a car accident; The older sister Xiufang's only daughter Anxin, a young dance teacher, loses both her legs in the car accident. To help her mother overcome her pain, Xiuli's eldest daughter Ruohua brings Xiuli to her student dormitory. However, Xiuli, who is ...
On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2020, the sudden outbreak of the epidemic completely changed the lives of senior high students thus opening the curtains to their "biggest test". The epidemic suddenly hit China in early 2020 and the senior high school students of Jinhe County, Anhui Province faced an unprecedented test. Just as everyone overcame difficulties to take the gaokao (college entrance examination), a flash flood brought forth new challenges. With the joint efforts of the party, th...
Kang Jiawei and Xu Jingjing, along with their group of high school friends, navigate friendship, growth, and self-discovery, experiencing the highs and lows of their unique youth....
The alien girl Chai Xiaoqi tells the story of Fang Xiaoqi, the overbearing president of the alien girl who died from the "Cape Town Planet", who was suffering from the "rainy weather heterosexual amnesia". A high-energy hilarious and romantic cross-star love story. The female host Chai Xiaoqi is not only an alien, but also a true-handed witch. Once she inhales the hormones emitted by the males in the earth, she will fall into the "flowery state" and suffer from various diseases. The fun and ridi...
The story follows a girl named Mi Xiao Qi who lives in the Cloud World. After she accidentally opens a sachet given by the Wine immortal, she travels to Bei Yue Kingdom of Kun Peng Continent and becomes a big fat cat. She encounters the Prince of Bei Yue, Bei Gong Yan and using his blood, manages to regain her human form. However, she receives an edict from the Wine immortal, saying that she has to find her fated one and make him fall in love with her. She must also gather four pieces of the mag...
Suffering from insomnia and migraines, Shen Xifan consults a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, He Suye. As their lives intersect, an unexpected romance blossoms....
Lin Qiang, demoted to the struggling Longyuan Branch after refusing to sign a problematic loan, uses his expertise to tackle the branch's issues and advocate for staff rights. Despite facing significant pressure, he uncovers the root problem and works towards resolving it, ultimately achieving his professional goals....
After seven years, Xu Jiaxiu and Lu Jia reunite, and through a series of misunderstandings, they finally acknowledge their feelings for each other. Together, they overcome career and emotional challenges, bringing closure to their unresolved past and achieving a perfect, happy ending....
A mysterious mathematical formula accidentally took Lin Chaoqi to a parallel world when she was 13 years old. In this strange adventure, with the previous years of accumulated experience in the Olympiad competition Lin Chaoqi with a buff suddenly found that those who had let down the time, abandoned beliefs, unfinished dreams, missed ties, and even her father's incurable disease, as she enters this alternate universe, everything can be made up for. Even those who have the worst possible starting...