The story follows two modern women who deal with unemployment and typical day-to-day struggles. Da Yu meets Xiao Yu, a girl born in 1995 who has the same name and surname as herself. Xiao Yu had quit her job out of boredom and by coincidence, the two start living under the same roof. During the year that they are jobless, Da Yu follows Xiao Yu's lead in trying new things. In turn, Xiao Yu also learns to plan things under the influence of Da Yu. They decide to return to the workplace once more. D...
In the reign of Emperor Taizong (627—649), which was called the Prosperity of Zhenguan, former clothing maker An is framed and imprisoned. When she was in danger, she entrusts her young daughter Liu Li to an old friend in the palace. Liu Li grows up in the palace and becomes a medical officer, responsible for epidemic prevention....
Mu Di, a graduate student majoring in folk music and suona escapes from a big city and returns to her hometown to start an alternative struggle....
It tells a family of three generations of women who stay true to their intentions to serve the neighborhood from the early days of the liberation to the present. Their stories capture the face of youth in each period to showcase the Hutong Culture in Beijing. Tian Zao has been engaged in grassroots work since the early days of liberation. She eventually becomes a leader of the resident's committee and serves the people for 70 years. She participated in catching spies, curbing illiteracy and led...
The story of Fang Ling, a white-collar worker in a divorced city, with her son, and Chen Juyi, an elite man who is also divorced with a daughter. They accidentally live in the same new house and fell in love with each other....
Li Guoduo missed her dream sports university due to her partner Tu Lingling’s betrayal. Determined to pursue her dream, she joins Xingang University and forms a successful partnership with Chen Weilan, who transitioned from volleyball to beach volleyball. Together, they overcome challenges, grow into top beach volleyball players, and advance with the support and blessings of their friends and loved ones....
After narrowly escaping an abusive pearl farm, a young woman with unmatched talent carves out her own fate as treachery meets the world of jewelry....
Chinese Paladin 3 is a Chinese television series adapted from the video game of the same title, and, because of an added time travel concept allowing the main protagonist from Chinese Paladin to appear in the setting decades before the events of the first, serves as an interquel to both. It was first released on television stations in mainland China, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore in 2009. Chinese Paladin 2 was not filmed because the producers felt that the third game had a much stronger story t...