More than Blue: The Series revolves around the journey of music producer Wang Po Han and his assistant An Yi Qi to find the copyright owner of the mysterious song for their artist, A-Lin. They also came across a diary belonging to K who is the producer of the mysterious song and traveled into the life story of K through the diary. The diary tells the story of K and Cream, two orphans who journey through life and share experiences in sadness and joy together. However, K is diagnosed with fatal l...
If the law and its enforcement has worked, then the world needs gods no more... When facing the dilemma with no right answer in this world full of ambiguity, Lou I-fang, the Master of the shrine and the Chief of the village will stand out to do justice right. Together with his assistant and fellow lawyers, they team up to bring hope to people whenever crime or unfairness emerge. If only they could also face the doubts within themselves......
Gwei Lun-mei-starring drama series “Women in Taipei,” as a spin-off from the “Women in Tokyo” series....
Dragon Brother, once a former underworld boss, now runs a cleaning company that specializes in cleaning up death scenes. Together with his disciple, Da Chuan, they enter various accident sites, witnessing the myriad facets of human life and sorting out their own life entanglements. Everything takes a different turn when Dragon Brother’s daughter suddenly returns to the hometown…...
Nanxiang used to be an HBL Division II team. Joining Division I for the first time, they face the challenges of improving their physical fitness, battling injuries, and players breaking disciplinary rules. Eventually, they begin to lie to and doubt one another; the atmosphere becomes tense, and they are depressed. They don’t even know if they should keep playing basketball anymore. And when they finally overcome all these difficulties, the once-hushed-up scandal that a player died because of the...
When her mother gets sick, 13-year-old Fen moves back to Taiwan, where she struggles to fit in amid the 2003 SARS epidemic....
Born into a stretch of furry yellow, then hand-picked by the man he adores, a young rooster, COCKEREL, begins his caged yet sensual life as a native chicken farm's breeder without even knowing....
This film is adapted from the 2010 South Korean blockbuster and tear-jerking comedy Hello Ghost. A lonely delivery man, A-wei, tries to commit suicide multiple times but fails no matter what he does. Through these failed attempts, he meets four ghosts — a smoker, a crier, a heartbroken ghost, and a mischievous ghost. In order for him to die, he learns that he has to first help these four ghosts fulfill their final wishes. In the process of doing so, A-wei befriends these four ghosts and overcome...
Feng runs away from her rural home to pursue singing in Taipei but is trafficked to Japan as a prostitute. Years later, she returns to Taiwan, burdened by guilt and avoiding her family while secretly sending money home. Her brother Ming, now a police officer, searches for her, unaware of the life she now leads. Their paths cross under difficult circumstances, forcing both siblings to confront their past and present....
An orphanage of various sounds. An ocean without witness of the crowds. The child of nowhere, longing for returning home....
During the soft lockdown, many people once again got back in touch with their lives: a girl shot videos everyday to share with the woman who was to be her mother, a father who finally has time for his cat, a teenager who has to graduate through videoconferencing, an individual quarantining alone at home, and a director whose new film was put on hold. Everyone grows and adapts to the new normal, and subsequently bids farewell to their old life....
As his family home is set to be demolished during urban renewal, Hao decides to buy a new house with his inheritance from his father so as to get away from this sad place and start a new life elsewhere with his mother, Hsia. However, in the meantime, he finds out that Hsia has continued using the inheritance money to make political contributions, for she is such a political fanatic. Somehow, Hsia believes that only CHIANG Chung-Yao, the latest candidate running for mayor, can bring about a brigh...
30-year-old Ying-Juan, who weights up to 105 kg, works at her mother’s childcare centre and has a hard time until she meets Wu, a deliveryman who bears a checkered past underneath his radiant smile. Encouraged by Wu, Ying-Juan finally decides to lose weight. Just when things are getting on the right track, devastatingly, Ying-Juan’s passion for cooking seems to be fading due to her over-aggressive diet....