The documentary focuses on the warmth and human connections of small and medium-sized vendors. In an uncertain era, it showcases examples of innovative personal employment, survival skills, resilience, and the beauty of ordinary life, allowing viewers to see how peers band together for warmth, embodying the values of trade and camaraderie. It encourages optimism and courage, stimulates empathy and soothes emotions....
"The Story of Chuaner" is the first special program in China that presents the Chinese people's barbecue culture. It focuses on showcasing the unique barbecue culture from various regions across the country and covers over 500 legendary barbecue stalls in nearly 30 cities. Unlike previous barbecue programs, "Life on a Skewer" has a strong sense of grassroots and shifts its focus from the grand halls to the ordinary stalls, truly showcasing the carefree spirit and distinctive flavor of barbecue....