Six friends who were extremely closely knit in their college days reunite for Tanya's bachelor party in Madhupur. However, all six of them are bound by a horrifying incident which had torn them apart for years. The reunion serves to rake up the trauma afresh, turning an idyllic trip into a dangerous cat-and-mouse game. The friends embark on a round of Mafia, the popular game which many of us enjoyed playing in our childhood. Instead of serving as a bonding activity, the game brings out the worst...
Kaushiki revolves around the group of friends who look as if nothing in their lives can go wrong, have dark secrets hidden deep down inside them that will change their lives forever when ......
A deadly fire accident at the Roy Group of Industries brings Bhisham Roy under the scanner, inciting a power grab within the family....
Sex, drugs and a gruesome murder. An edgy one night stand turns into a nightmare for Aditya, when he wakes up with blood on his hands. The evidence is stacked against him, but he doesn't remember the grisly crime. Is he guilty or not ?...
A comedy of errors and a coming of age story - with a gamut of confusions and perplexities, love and desires, choices and dilemmas mixed with an ensemble of lovable characters who depict today's confused selves of the millennials....
Welcome to the world of Ready 2 Mingle. Meet the modern day cupids Nirav and Myra as they make the world fall in love with each other and themselves. But does true love really exist in this time and age? Watch the trailer to get a sneak peek to their world of fun, parties, love and the crazy twists of modern day relationships....
MUMBhai is the story of the no-nonsense encounter specialist named Bhaskar Shetty. He is tasked with a case that involves the underworld's biggest Don. The show will also feature the rise of this Don and how from the streets of Mumbai he became one of the most feared persons in the world....
In the 1990s, during a wild thunderstorm night, 12-year-old Anay dies in a road accident shortly after he sees his next-door neighbor committing a crime. Twenty-five years later, in a strange turn of events, on an identical stormy night, Antara finds herself in front of a TV set through which she attempts to save Anay’s life but her good deed causes a disturbing chain of unexpected consequences....