More than Blue: The Series revolves around the journey of music producer Wang Po Han and his assistant An Yi Qi to find the copyright owner of the mysterious song for their artist, A-Lin. They also came across a diary belonging to K who is the producer of the mysterious song and traveled into the life story of K through the diary. The diary tells the story of K and Cream, two orphans who journey through life and share experiences in sadness and joy together. However, K is diagnosed with fatal l...
The Zhou family has high hopes in giving birth to a son but was disappointed when Zhou Jiwei was born a girl, making her the third daughter in line. Because she was a disappointment to the family, she was only ever given hand me downs from her sisters. She felt no love from her family, but luckily she feels the love of a family from her neighbours. There she meets her 'brother' Dai Yaoqi and follows him around trying to be the best sister ever, however, he has never wanted to have a sister. As s...
Ruby is a woman who wants to be loved but can't seem to find the right man. She loses faith in love but then meets Derek. With him, she learns to appreciate herself and those people that are important to her and begins to have faith in love again....
After lying about her age to secure a rookie job at a fashion company, a 34-year-old aspiring designer must cover her tracks or risk getting busted....