It revolves around Aurora, Yuliana, Manuela and Tabatha, four women seduced by power and money. Aurora's life changes the day the authorities unfairly kill her father. Once a citizen of Tierra Blanca, she became the leader of a group of women who rebelled against an unjust patriarchy....
Reina Ortiz will suffer an accident that will cause her to forget the last eight years of her life, in which she became the wife of tycoon Victor de Rosas, Clara's mother and the owner of the most famous bridal atelier in Las Vegas. She doesn’t even remember the happiest moment of her life; when she fell in love with Nicolas Nuñez. Now Reina, who feels she doesn’t belong to this world of luxury and power, will strive to discover her own truth. Meanwhile, Nicolas is working for the secret service...
A woman thirsty for revenge returns to Mexico to find her parents' killers, who hide behind legal facades in high society....
On the run from the police, an Arizona man crosses into Mexico and gets deeply involved in drug trafficking, with the help of modern technology....