This story revolves around the cold and icy "male god" professor Zhang Sinian and the calm and sunny Yun Shu. After a fractious first meeting, where Yun Shu dressed down the especially finicky Sinian, she was shocked to find out that he was her university lecturer. Through a series of coincidental encounters, the two agreed to engage in a contractual marriage. As the feelings between them grow, how will they keep their relationship from those around them?...
The major case squad within the public security organization tackles a series of perplexing cases, led by forensic expert Liao Yan and criminal psychology specialist Liang Maiqi. Both are young professionals returning from abroad, leveraging their expertise to solve unusual cases. Through close collaboration with their teammates, they navigate dangerous situations, using their intelligence and bravery to resolve crises and complete missions. Meanwhile, other young officers in the squad also deve...
Programmer Liu Qian Qian is tasked with designing the male hero Nan Gong for a new romance computer game for women called “Perfect Boyfriend”. But Nan Gong unexpectedly breaks through the dimensions and appears before Qian Qian. Because he’s unfamiliar with the real world, he unintentionally gives Qian Qian a lot of trouble while trying to be her perfect boyfriend...
Yan Mo, a superstar from the future, suffers from a rare blood disease, and she discovers that the only person who can save her is Gu Yan Zhi, a genius scientist living in modern times. Yan Mo travels to the past (our modern age) only to find that if she wants to obtain his blood, she has to generate emotional reactions in Gu Yan Zhi's body. However, in the process of "teaching" Gu Yan Zhi how to feel, they fall for each other. But what will happen when they realize that their love changes the t...
The story of Dugu Qieluo, formally Empress Wenxian, and her husband Yang Jian who united China under the Sui Dynasty. The husband and wife come to be revered by the people as saints due to their extraordinary contributions to a new golden age....
Diverse real stories of boys who love boys and want to make it work....
Upon transferring to Xingcheng Mingli High School, Shen Xingruo lived under the same roof as Lu Xingyan and attended the same class. Over the course of a year and a half, their relationship evolved from initial animosity to gradually developing feelings for each other. Years later, they are reunited through, "Go Back Lover," a reality show for exes, first love, and the nostalgia of youth between high school friends....