This is a drama series about the lives of three rich, entitled, passionate and ambitious young men: Kalifah, Nuhu and Diko. Elections are fast approaching and there's a tussle for the governorship seat of the Northern Caliphate State of Kowa. Soon personal conflicts intertwine between their families in a race to crown the next Governor....
In 16th-century Zazzau, now Zaria, Nigeria, Amina must utilize her military skills and tactics to defend her family's kingdom. Based on a true story....
In order to save her father's ailing bus company, competent but perennially overlooked Adaeze must find a way to work alongside feckless uncle Godswill....
After the gruesome murder of her campaign manager Sikiru, gubernatorial aspirant Mabel King challenges the victory of the incumbent, Idris Sani for her mandate. While governor Sani’s associate, St. Jamesand Ike’s Law School rival, Danladi attempt to subvert the course of justice by eliminating witnesses, King is supported by her loyal aide Ike, and Sikiru’s daughter Bukky....