The show deals with Rahim, a rich businessman, who works in money laundry and currency smuggling. After he gets out of a long prison sentence, he finds out that his men took all his money and drove his family away. He goes on a journey to find them and get his belongings back....
Yehya, a police officer, decides to leave the force after successfully protecting the President from an assassination attempt in the late 1990's. He is subjected to an assassination attempt that results in the death of his son and wife, and starts his journey for revenge....
The series revolves around a large family dominated by Father Zain Al Attar, who embodies the course of the artist Mahmoud Hamida, and has a large number of children who live with him in the house except two, one of them lives in a shelter and the other an aggressive person, and recounts the relationship of this father with gangs of arms and smugglers....
In the context of a romantic comedy , and addresses many of the social issues that are presented in the context of a satirical comedy . The film revolves around a young man working in the field of photography , but the major problem that multi- female relationships, and involved in many of the problems with the four daughters on a trip his search for the perfect girl dreams that lend themselves to be his partner ....