Snuff Box is a BBC Three British dark comedy starring and written by Matt Berry and Rich Fulcher with additional material by Nick Gargano. It first aired on Monday 27 February 2006. Both actors use their real names for their main characters. Berry plays a hangman, and Fulcher his assistant. The majority of the programme is set in a "gentlemen's club for hangmen", although the show is also interspersed with sequences of sketches, often featuring different characters. Berry and Fulcher met whils...
Fans of an obscure Canadian TV series embark on a location bus tour. When the bus breaks down in a junkyard, this band of misfits find themselves at the centre of a real alien invasion - can their childhood hero help them save the planet?...
The sensational details of a gruesome murder in The Daily Gazette have London in a panic, as a blood-thirsty madman - more vicious than Jack the Ripper - preys upon the city. Of greater concern to Scotland Yard, however, is that the account of the murder was published nearly two hours prior to the crime having been committed! Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson - the Great Detective and his faithful assistant and chronicler - find themselves challenged with one of their most baffling cases - "The Cas...
When Jonathan Harker, a young solicitor from England travels into the heart of the Carpathian mountains to meet with the ancient Count Dracula, he discovers the bloody terror and plague that now threatens to cast its shadow over England! Meanwhile, Quincy Morris summons his old friend Professor Van Helsing when a mysterious illness consumes his wife. Are the two puncture wounds on Lucy's throat the work of a vampire? It's a race against time as our heroes fight to save the souls of their beloved...