Ntoltse Vita is a Greek comedy directed by Alexandros Rigas and co-written with Lefteris Papapetrou which aired on Mega Channel from 1995 to 1997. The series focused on the illegal affair between Christina Markatou and her daughter's future husband. The entire structure of the show was based in which way the relationship will remain secret from the family members, the working and social environment through hilarious situations. Ntoltse Vita draw high ratings and is one of the most successful s...
Lola was the Greek remake of the successful Argentine comedy franchise Lalola. The series premiered on September 22, 2008 in Greece on ANT1 and ran Monday through Friday. The last episode was released on July 7, 2009....
Bob (Steve Douzos) is a student at a private school. However, he has a very serious problem with women. He asks for help from his classmates, to help him. Eventually, his classmates decide to help him by assigning him various missions, which turn into pranks as the story unfolds....
A young soldier's struggle against the evil of drugs....