Firsts is a drama web-series starring Rohan Shah, Apoorva Arora, Urvi Singh and VIRAJ GHELANI. It is created by Nayana Shyam. Firsts is currently streaming at Youtube....
Salil is coaxed into dating by his roommate who is tired of watching him loiter around the house all day doing nothing. Salil bets that no one will date him since he is not relatable. His roommate thinks otherwise, since anyone who is cute and can sing is template dating material. 5 episodes, 5 first dates - Who will win the bet?...
College Romance is a story of three BFF's : Karan, Trippy and Naira ; who fall in love and their ridiculous romantic stories take off....
Imagine a night in with 4 girls. Now imagine doing that for 4 years. In a building full of girls that is a Girl's Hostel. Live the Dushmani, the Dosti, the Pyaar, the Bhasad....
Param and Jasmeet fall in love and they get married. Their perfect romance gets disturbed by Jasmeet’s suppressed ambition however, she has dreams of going to London so that she can pursue her career and build a better life for herself. But Param unable to get a visa and that creates some high drama in their love life....