To celebrate Earth Day, Scooby and the gang teach you what you can do to protect the Earth!...
Each episode contains three theatrical Looney Tunes cartoons and an animated direct-to-video Scooby-Doo film with new linking sequences created by removing all the dialogue from existing Warner Brothers' movie or television show, and replacing it with an entirely new recording, the scenes being reedited to fit the fictional studio setting of the show....
In this off beat account of King Arthur's quest for the Grail, virtually every journey, battle or adventure is stopped dead in its tracks by the knights of the round table's most worldly traits : cowardice, greed, idiocy or misplaced chivalry. As a consequence, instead of epic adventures we are treated with the characters' pragmatic and anachronistic take on each and every event in the Grail legend, true to the purest sitcom tradition....