Mao Xue Woof is a scene-based reality show variety show with the relationship of original friends as the starting point. The program takes friendship as the link, and takes "Mao Xue Woof's Home" as the main shooting scene, telling the real and interesting stories of Mao Bu, Li Xueqin and their friends who meet here every week, tearing apart the status quo of daily life in laughter, showing the rich youth life and spiritual world of young people and recording the real growth. The program is broad...
Adventure Life 奇遇人生 is a star documentary reality show launched by Tencent Video. The program adopts the deep combination of “documentary + variety reality show”, through the past of the guests, to customize a unique life exploration tour for guests...
"Hello, Saturday" is the rebranding of popular Chinese show "Happy Camp", hosted by He Jiong and with a fixed group of regular celebrity members. The program showcases the talent of various stars as well as social topics through creative and diverse content and games. It aims to spread positive energy whilst keeping up with the current trends and leading youth culture....
Go Fridge is a Chinese cooking show produced by Tencent Video. The rights were bought from South Korean television series Please Take Care of My Refrigerator. In each episode, two guests bring their refrigerators to the filming studio and sit down to talk with the hosts and other chefs. At the end of examining the fridge, a guest selects two chefs to cook a dish for them to eat, they will each have 15 minutes to cook the dishes, with the winner selected only by the guest alone. The chefs must us...
Hurry Up, Brother! is a Chinese variety show based off the original Korean variety show, Running Man. It is created by SBS and co-produced with Zhejiang Television. It first aired on October 10, 2014. This show is classified as a game-variety show, where the MCs and guests complete missions in a landmark to win a race. In 2017, the show officially changed its name to "Keep Running"....
CHUANG, or Produce Camp, is the Chinese spinoff of the South Korean franchise show PRODUCE 101....
The show documents the simplistic lifestyle of living away from the bustling city centers. Each season takes place in a different rural part of China. The cast members are only provided with the basic life necessities and have to take care of everything else such as cooking their own meals and building their own furniture. To "buy" different cooking ingredients and other tools, they have to complete certain tasks assigned by the production crew, such as planting and harvesting crops. Different g...
A dating reality show about eight strangers, 4 men and 4 women, living together in the Signal House....
A labor documentary interactive reality show that selects 10 young individuals to form the 'Farming Squad,' which will authentically document their entire process of operating a farm on 142.8 acres of land over 190 days. This includes sowing, irrigating, fertilizing, and harvesting, as well as live-streaming their sales to establish a self-sustaining farmers' market....
An Exciting Offer is the first career reality show in China. Five male students and three female students that graduated from well-known law schools will have internship for a month and complete the tasks under the guidance of four lawyers. After which they'll vie for two full-time positions. The celebrity group, including He Jiong, Guo Jingfei, Vin Zhou, Lan Yingying, Miss Papi, and a lawyer Yue Shenshan, will observe the interns' growth and learning in their work. The interns will learn profes...
Stand-up Comedy is a reality show about stand-up comedies. To make stand-up comedies get close to professions and daily life, Li Dan presents nine stand-up comedians with the task to hold ten stand-up comedies about professions. Stand-up comedies make up "the Best Editorial Office of the Universe"....
Li Cu, an ordinary high school student, is suddenly attacked by a mysterious man who leaves a strange mark on his back. During treatment, he meets Dr. Liang Wan, who helps him uncover the man's identity with the assistance of Wang Meng. Upon returning to Liang Wan's home, they find Wu Xie waiting outside, urging Li Cu to join him on a journey to the desert. Once there, a series of baffling incidents unfold....
Taking look on the day-to-day work schedule of literary and art workers as the starting point, it uses the three stages of meeting, observation, and dialogue to demonstrate professionalism, moral character, and positive values. To promote the fighting spirit and creative spirit of professionals from all walks of life in a general way....
The show takes stand-up comedy as a carrier, inviting guests from different circles to conduct an "attitude New Year's Eve" around the annual topic...