The story follows the amnesiac detective Jian Buzhi who starts on a quest to finding the truth and unmasking his father's killer. Along the way, he finds a love interest and a good friend who work hand in hand with him to solve mysterious cases....
Sang Tian is an aspiring figure skater. On the day she turns 18, she vows to her family that she will be accepted to the same university that her mother once attended. To get in, she must pass a test, which she – an exceptionally competent skater and student – expects to ace....
Star Entertainment is the top entertainment agency in China. It was set up by a couple, Cheng Tian Hao and Du Wan Qing, who eventually separated due to differing beliefs in managing the company. Yang Zhen Zhen is an aspiring young girl with a passion for music. She joined Starry Sky Entertainment and was assigned as Zheng Bo Xu's assistant. Bo Xu is a popular idol who is arrogant and unruly. With the help of Zhen Zhen, who helped him correct his flaws and unleash his potential, Bo Xu slowly tra...
The program brings together nearly 150 artists who cross the border to become athletes in the program to prepare for and compete in three categories of athletics, water sports and general events....
Coming Soon. Soon Wukong...